

chih_taichi 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I do not know my study willpower have not so resolute, I think that I always appear this position in my live. I need adjust myself in this laziness, this laziness have been to injure me too much in my whole live, although I know that injure me max, but I can not change this personal from young to now. I shall to move in slowly requesting myself lazy personal.(8/21)

I like movement specific in Tai Chi Chuan, I always emphasize to notice the health such as how contain the good organ for stomach, heart, kidney, gall, bladder etc., these were formed a stone keeping in the organ inside, sometime we shall use two hands to beat these organs, in order to avoid this pellet to form a large stone can not drain out. So that become a terrible organ stone. (8/22)

chih_taichi 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I have study the America English for one week more, I found out a personal question a man always forget to write journal. Now I want to change my write time from now, I shall apply general time before the begin class in the every morning, I come to my research office where my mind is the best quiet, I can use about 20 minutes to finish my journal.(8/16)

Today is the Sunday when my grandchildren's Chinese school is also in the open school, my all family members take two children to go to Chinese school with together. The Taiwanese in here have not too many, so there are only 7 grades each grade only has 1 class, and then a class has about 10 children, where I meet the the Taiwan people very few no more 30 people, although I come here have been more 7 years, but the Taiwanese lived here really less in Denver. (8/17)

chih_taichi 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I make a safe dream for Tai Chi Chuan, it is the main sense to tell me keeping only health without other more benefit for continue movement. Why did I have this steady ideas? because I saw a apoplexy lady about fifty years old, she is a America where has the best medical equipment, the apoplexy lady looks like very health who can not protect herself safety, so that I think that I lead any student to movement would be very important. this is the social benefit. (8/11)

chih_taichi 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The America English is a kind of local language, if you want to improve your second language, you need to read any time, and you must be write every day. so that you know vary words you can listen to the mean of the words, because I suggest that I want to promote my America English, I shall write a short essay every day.(8/8).

We always talked the four movements pluck, rend (lock), elbow, and bump (lean) in practicing Tai Chi Chuan. I am not a American sometime forgot above the words in teaching class. I requested the sweat to flow out for heartening spirit, this point is very important when close the class must be practicing a few muscle movement, since every body has flew the sweat on the forehead that will hearten their spirit.(8/9)

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chih_taichi 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


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chih_taichi 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



chih_taichi 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Push hand primary technique (pluck, rend, elbow, bump)


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