
   2013年8月24日(六)在美國教拳,Ms. Jane Wodening 是一位文學家,出版過很多小說,現在獨居在森林中,住在樹上小木屋,追隨太極拳幾十年了,跟施老師也有七年之久。特別告訴所有學員,她膝蓋早有退化現象,經常痠痛難奈。現在好很多,感謝施老師基因改造太極拳,簡單的搖擺雙腳與自然呼吸,配合太極拳行功動作,每次100下確實有舒緩效果,經常再做100下效果更好。遇到下雪嚴寒膝蓋刺痛,使用四指或手刀觸擊痛點的手法,具有舒緩與延長退化功能,特別當面謝謝施老師 "Thanks Master Chih"。

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中華科技大學樂齡大學太極拳課程 2011 2012


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地點:台北市中正區愛國西路1號 台北市立教育大學

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Developed the Tai Chi Pushing hand 

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      Learning Tai Chi forms is built some good bases in the breath, balance, responsiveness, relaxation, and health at the duration of practice them. In addition, we could gradually acquire the leg strength essential to any kind of physical activity involved the whole body. However, the knowledge of the forms alone will not enable us to defend ourselves. If our intention is to learn self-defense, we must practice push hand with a training partner.

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